Movie Night
Annwyl Rhieni/ Gwarcheidwaid - Dear Parents/ Guardians
We will be holding a 'Movie Night' for the children (Reception to Year 6) after school on Tuesday 15th October until 5.30pm.
There will be a choice of 3 films which have been voted for by the children:
Screen 1: Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Long Haul
Screen 2: Lego Batman
Screen 3: Aladdin
Price: £3 each inc. Hotdog, Drink, Popcorn/Biscuit.
Children are invited to bring their own pyjamas and a pillow or blanket.
There will be a limited amount of seats per film. Seats can be paid for online using the school gateway or by bringing £3.00 in a clearly labelled envelope stating film preference.
Please note that we will not be giving out tickets, your child's name will be put on the list prior to the Movie Night.
We are looking forward to another fun evening for the children.
Cofion cynnes - Kind regards
Ffrindiau Ysgol Santes Fair
Friends of St Mary's School