Dysgu Gartref ~ Home Learning

On this page you will find useful links to activities and ideas to help support your child's learning at home. For your reference, all parent communication letters will also be saved here (scroll to the bottom of page)


Gweddïau / Prayers

We encourage our children and school families to partake in daily and weekly prayer. We suggest using these websites Ten Ten or CAFOD 


Gweithgareddau / Activities

Key Stage Two

Each class teacher will upload a 'topic web' of ideas for home learning activities and tasks to complete. These will be similar to the kind of tasks that children would usually complete in the classroom. There will also be a maths pack, spellings, Welsh patterns to revise and handwriting. Children can either work on these tasks at home on paper or online through the Google Classroom/ or on their designated home learning Seesaw account. These activity packs will be updated every two weeks on a Monday. Our suggestion is that children complete one 'topic' or English activity a day alongside some maths/spelling/handwriting/ Welsh practice. It would be useful to create a home learning timetable or use the one given by your class teacher. 

Foundation Phase

All children were given a home learning pack to take home. Children can also upload photos of anything else they have been doing at home on their designated home learning Seesaw account; from baking to crafting. The classroom teachers will also use Seesaw to interact with the children in different ways including videos, messages and setting tasks. Please download and log in to Seesaw to view daily tasks set by the teachers. 

Teachers will be available to answer questions or comments from children/parents/guardians between 9am-3pm via Seesaw, Google Classroom and the School Comms email system. 

Gwefanau Defnyddiol / Useful Websites

HWB Distance Learning Portal

CAFOD Children's Zone (fun, interactive page about the important work CAFOD does)

STEM Challenges

Cooking Together (Lot's of healthy and tasty recipes to follow)

Oxford Owl Reading (free online reading books)

Maths Help Zone 

Times Tables Quiz 

National Geographic Zone (learn more about the world of science and geography)

Joe Wicks Fitness

Twinkl (Free downloadable activities for all ages)

Cyw (Welsh games, songs, puzzles)

Penigamp! (Welsh games, songs, learning, puzzles)

Cbeebies (Games, songs, puzzles, shows)

Outdoor Numeracy (Fun maths activities in nature)

KS2 BBC Bitesize (Maths and language support)

Maths Games  (Ages 3-14)

Language Games (Ages 5-7)

Welsh Lessons 

Selog Ap (Welsh games, songs, learning, puzzles)


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